
Yoga with a twist

What is AeroYoga®?

The central element of Aerial Yoga are inverted postures (positions in which the head is the lowest point of the body). Here the blood can flow the other way, which leads to a relief of the venous valves and at the same time to an increased oxygen supply to the brain. Thus, the brain saturated with oxygen positively influences all systems of the organism, especially the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Benefits and Effects:

  • Improve posture, alignment and flexibility.
  • Improve concentration, breathing and attention.
  • Normalization of joint function
  • Increase body awareness and control.
  • Injury prevention/reduction
  • Increase of neurological function
  • Reducing the risk of fractures and ideal for the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Complements your fitness program

About Aiko:

Due to many sports-related injuries, I immersed myself in various healing modalities such as chiropractic, naturopathy, Pilates and more.

Then I discovered AeroYoga® and for the first time something magical happened. I corrected my own spine and everything else fell into place. Everything I had studied over the past 20 years fit together like the facets of a perfectly cut diamond and I was able to systematically integrate it all under one umbrella called AeroYoga®.

I defended my thesis and received a diploma from the AeroYoga® Institute in Spain.
Check out Aiko’s official website here:

AeroYoga® with Aiko at Penthouse Sports Vienna

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